这天苏婧婷正在饶有兴致得给大伙儿讲“知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求?”这是前日她翻箱倒柜里的一本《诗经》,翻到这一首时,似乎觉得如今的自己,和当下很多同龄人一样正于迷茫之中寻求某个答案,而似乎又不被社会所包容和理解,故而特别摘录下来,作为课件内容。“it is from the first collection of poems in china, the book of songs (shi jing 诗经),which were created from early western zhou dynasty to the middle of the spring and autumn period. this song was created by ordinary people during their hard farm working among fields. the poet expressed to be understood and recognized, exploring the sense of belonging.”
“or his identity was also questioned?”另一个声音也似乎很激动地从听众里发出,一时间大家开始议论纷纷,苏婧婷不知道这首诗会引来这么强烈的反应,她等大家稍微安静下来时,说道:“to explore being understood, it seems a permanent question in history, but we shall be confident that all society will accept different ethnics, and we will be understood and appraised to help each other——”
“or even to encourage to help each other in public, and can be free to do whatever we want!”保罗似乎消失了大半天,苏婧婷知道他最近接了一家外国报社拍摄的工作,以为他不会来上课了,没想到课程上到高潮部分,他居然意想不到地走上讲台对大家说着一番话,而这些话,她似乎都没怎么理解,看着保罗神情严肃,她隐隐感觉发生了什么事情。