第(3/3)页 “呜呜呜……” 菲姬除了哭好像什么都忘记了。 “她怎么了?”艾米向宋亚投过来疑惑的眼神。 and i know it's hard but i gotta do it, and it's killing me cause there's never a right time right time to say goodbye there's never a right time to say goodbye but i gotta make the first move 'cause if i don't you gonna start hating me cause i really don't feel the way i once felt about you girl it's not you it's me. i gotta gotta figure out what i need there's never a right time to say goodbye but we know that we gotta go our separate ways “没事,没事的。”宋亚轻轻拍着菲姬的背,“好了亲爱的,别让大家等太久,这对你的事业很重要。” “呜呜呜……”菲姬泪快留成了小河,刚补的妆全花了,她终于松开手,转身从吉米手里接过旅行包,背到身上,然后往门外走,一步对宋亚三回头,“再见。”她轻轻说。 “坚强点,女孩。”宋亚自己都有点哽咽了,“再见。” and i know it's hard but i gotta do it, and it's killing me cause there's never a right time right time to say goodbye “好的,我们先演练一趟……”叶列莫夫话还没说完,菲姬已经推开了门。 外面的闪光灯把夜晚弄得如同白昼。 她站在门口,回头又看了宋亚一眼,低下头,躲开闪光灯的照射,迈出大步。 “fxxk!全没照剧本演!”叶列莫夫气得直抱怨。 “抱歉,抱歉。”吉米赶紧拉着箱子跟了出去。 “我觉得她演技不错啊!?哭得那么伤心,情感好m-fxxk的真挚。”苏茜姨妈说道,“比上回进步太多太多。” “耶,我觉得也是,我都……”康妮揉揉眼角,“我都差点跟着哭了。” ‘咚!’ 大家正回味着,突然宋亚一头栽倒在地,把所有人吓了一跳。 “aplus!”最近的艾米第一个反应过来,连忙蹲下身子推他。 “天哪,亚力哥哥原来心里这么爱着菲姬姐姐,你看,为她伤心得都晕过去了。”小艾米丽伤感地说道。 第(3/3)页