第(3/3)页 她坐在化妆台前,专心拾掇的时候,宋亚出现在了镜中。 她手停了一瞬,没说什么,继续在脸上涂抹。 “你现在这样就很好。”宋亚看着镜中的她说道。 “今天我很丢脸。”她放下粉扑,拿起眼线。 “为什么?你不小心碰到一个人渣而已。”宋亚说道:“这不是你的错。” “我交往过普林斯(王子)和强尼戴普,他们都很花心,我想找一个看上去靠得住的男人,没想到却成了好莱坞的笑柄。笑我挑男人的眼光,笑我找的男朋友一个不如一个,他们说这就像我在好莱坞的星途,和,和一天天凋零的脸蛋……” 她看似平静,但说到最后手却不经意地一抖,只好赶紧又丢下眼线笔,用湿巾沾上卸妆水,在眼角边小心擦着。 宋亚握住她不停动作的手,温柔地向下按去,脸上厚厚的粉被抹开,露出下面的淤青。 I kno she bout to ask me ho she 1ook I te11 her beautifu1, and ho 1ong it took for you to put it on? It as ear1y in the morno39; she resemb1ed a mode1 out of a mac book on the ay stand behind me and try prettiness, the ittiness of nete my net a fee1 1ike ito39;s not enough I net too much makeup yeah I From him is here I get it They te11 me I need I hate my 1ips, my nose, the beauty in me, but hat he dono39;t see is that I had a b1ack To be net 她像被施了定身法,任凭手被宋亚握住,没有反抗,只默默盯着镜中自己的脸。 “你今天很勇敢,这就够了,我听叶列莫夫说过你在好莱坞的坚持,我认为我能认同和理解你,那些价值观扭曲的嘲笑话语非常可笑,也不值一哂。当然我知道没人可以无视掉那些铺天盖地的流言蜚语,但我还是要说,你现在这样就很美,你不用化妆就很美,脸上有淤青也一样美……” 宋亚用食指勾去她眼角刚刚浮起的水雾。 and you aino39;t gotta get drunk to have fun you aino39;t gotta get drunk to have fun and you aino39;t gotta get drunk to have fun you aino39;t gotta get drunk to have fun I 1ove the aput it on your eyes The roses on your face 1ight up the sky Those 1ips are co1orfu1, a11 of the time, time, time and gir1 thato39;s fine, but I anna kno do you mind? no makeup today-day-day-day-day-day no makeup today-day-day-day-day-day no makeup today-day-day-day-day-day no makeup today and gir1 thato39;s fine, but I anna kno do you mind-mind-mind-mind? 第(3/3)页